New York City


@ Brooklyn Army Terminal

Sat Jun 25th, 2022 11:30am - 4pm

Flamingo flyer or graphic.
Flamingo flyer or main visual.

Brooklyn Army Terminal

140 59th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220 - United States

Sat Jun 25th, 2022 11:30am - 4pm

11:30am - 4pm


What’s a better way of having a beach party without it being on the beach? 🏖

Well then! Let’s put it on a boat! 🛳

Lights? ✔️

Camera? ✔️

Wotlessness? ✔️

*🦩Welcome to FLAMINGO🦩*

This event promises to be one of the most anticipated for the entire summer ☀️❗️

Attire: Beach Wear 👙 🩳