St. Lucia

Lush Nights

Thu Jul 13th, 2023 7pm - 11pm

Lush Nights flyer or graphic.
Lush Nights flyer or main visual.

St. Lucia

Please check ticket link for venue information.

Thu Jul 13th, 2023 7pm - 11pm

7pm - 11pm


LUSH NIGHTS. Neon glow cruise. 


We board the Queen of Carnival for LUSH NIGHTS. A neon glow boatride to start your carnival weekend in St. Lucia. Two words. LUSH PUNCH. Is lash up head vs Lush up head on the boat.

Surprise guest artist onboard.

Tix available online at

Or contact a lush island committee member for tickets. @lushislandtours

#lushislandtours #letsgetlushed #lushbrunchcruise #lushglow #lushnights #lushlastlap #socasexnalcohol