
Spring Recess Atlanta Pop up Weekend- Day 3

Sun Mar 21st, 2021 12pm - 6pm

Spring Recess Atlanta Pop up Weekend- Day 3 flyer or graphic.
Spring Recess Atlanta Pop up Weekend- Day 3 flyer or main visual.


Please check ticket link for venue information.

Sun Mar 21st, 2021 12pm - 6pm

12pm - 6pm


A Group Of Elite Curators Present To You 'Spring Re'cess' Atl Popup Weekend 2021.

A Weekend Full Of High Energy, Fun And Life  Memories..........

Day 3 Sunday March 21st ...Sunkist Soi'ree Brunch ....We Indulged In Some Exotic Mouth Watering Island Breakfast/Brunch Dishes And Mimosas.....We Terminate The Weekend With The Official After Party 'Shampoo Sundays' Atl's No.1 Sunday Night Local Hot Spot [Free Adm With Arm Band].

To Rsvp :Tables/Sections/Birthday Packages Call 917-376-6343/646-750-9498